I love reading cozy mysteries! I find I also love writing them. The problem is all the logistics in between. The Tarot Wednesday series Murder in the Holiday Cards will be ready for the holidays! I promise the first in the How to series is almost ready to go to an agent. (Cross your fingers) As you can see my cat is hard at work helping me. When I am not doing my two loves, I spend my time enjoying nature and my grandchildren. And then there is My Bob who is extremely supportive. You will find out more about me and what I am up to when you join the KKCozy Members group. This is an exciting way to learn more about the characters and facts from the mysteries not available to non-members.

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Tarot Wednesday Mysteries

Book Description Coming Soon
“A real page-turner for me. Mostly because you were able to keep me glued to the pages searching for the final answer to who murdered…” ~ M. Felmer

Image by Amanda Janowiak-Sutilla
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