
Twin Flames are the halves of one soul. Twin Flames are different from soulmates or our soul group. Consider fraternal/identical twins - so very alike in many ways. In this case each half has its own journey to follow.
“In the beginning of time we were created from one source, that was split into smaller and smaller units down to two souls (and on rare occasions, halves of one soul) that would journey to Earth to learn and experience duality. They would reincarnate over lifetimes with this longing for each other, often meeting until, they would reunite and then leave this physical plane as one.”
Signs of A Twin Flame Relationship
- Overwhelming feelings of love and attraction
- You feel completed when you are together.
- It may feel heart wrenchingly difficult to to be apart. Even in instances where being together is impossible.
- You are eachothers other half. Being together helps you to feel whole.
- Similar to physical twins, you may be able to feel the other's pain or emotions even when apart. You will have the ability to connect spiritually if you practice and desire.
- Finding your Twin Flame in this life may be disconcerting, it may unbalance you both. Often, people are married or in other relationships that they do not wish to change. Perhaps your Twin Flame is a child, an old person or other when you met them. My fictional story Across is about a Twin Flame Relationship.
- There may be dreams of another. You may dream of them in another form, perhaps as you two were in a past life.
What if you never find yours?
Sometimes we feel lonely and at a loss that we will never find that fulfilling love. This is the time to ask for help. Because we have that love in us and around us all the time even more than we have air to breathe. Asthmatics need assistance – if you are feeling strangled or alone then you may need more assistance to find your place of harmony. It is not finding the soulmate or Twin Flame that does it. It is finding the love and faith within yourself.
More on contacting your Twin Flame, Soulmate or Soul Group will be coming in future blogs.