A lifelong reader and writer of all genres, Keridak Silk has recently begun publishing. Keridak’s published works are both fiction and non-fiction. She finds the paranormal and weird fascinating. Many of her stories have a flavor of hauntings, past lives, or other realms. A Tarot reader of over forty years, a certified hypnotist and intuitive counselor Keridak brings her life experiences into some of her writings. Her intuitive nature makes her a perfect pantser. Stories develop and surprise her as much as the reader. To date she has created The Advanced Psychic Series Volume One: Amazing Past Life Tarot (nonfiction), Paranormal short stories, with two Young Adult novels to come. Her cozy mysteries are to be published under the pen name Keri Kae.
Keridak’s goal is to write and explore. The two YA novels, one a fantasy and the other dystopian, totally emerged on their own. Each came from a writing group prompt. Keridak is an active NanoWrimo author with the Waukesha Wrimos, a member of the Wisconsin Writer’s Association and Sisters in Crime.
As the writing bug bites there will be blog articles about the process and upcoming new projects. Right now, she hosts articles about the metaphysical. Keridak holds a master’s degree from National Louis University in Human Services/Counseling. She is a certified hypnotist and international instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Her certificates include Kundalini Reiki Master level, Shamanism and other topics. Keridak is a lifelong learner and will continue to expand her writings along with her knowledge. Too discover more look to Keridak.com